Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - English

Hochschulisches Gesundheitsmanagement

University Health Management

Your health, well-being and capability are important to us
The University Health Management (HGM) is committed to the health of employees and students at Humboldt-Universität. Here we provide you with an overview of the wide range of services available to promote health and well-being.
Existing health-related measures at our university are bundled, but new offers are also initiated in line with demand. In addition to exercise and nutrition-related measures, we are also developing offers in the areas of health literacy and stress management in order to improve the working and studying atmosphere and strengthen individual and organizational health.

Healthy working



Healthy study


     Foto: HU Berlin

 "In a fast-paced and changing world of work, we are highly committed to shaping a modern and future-oriented work culture at our university. A healthy and supportive working environment that encourages collaboration, engagement, creativity and personal responsibility is very important to us. In this context, the HGM is an important part of New Work at our institution.

Only with a healthy and motivated workforce can we successfully meet the challenges of the modern academic working world."
(Niels Helle-Meyer, Vice President for Budget, Human Resources and Technology, 2024)