Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - English


A suitable working environment is a prerequisite for healthy working. However, it is about much more than the correct sitting position, the amount of light or sufficient ventilation. Blurred boundaries between work and private life, deadline pressure, too little exercise and an unhealthy diet are just some of the problematic factors that can have a negative impact on health and well-being in general.
Our aim is to help you stay motivated at work without losing sight of your health and well-being. We would like to support you in strengthening your health resources and minimizing stress in your workplace. The following pages provide an overview of the wide range of health services offered by Humboldt-Universität as well as valuable tips and tricks on important prerequisites that contribute to long-lasting performance and a vital everyday life.

Many of the offers are in German but we are constantly working on creating more English-language options for you.

phone old Frau Yoga Matte

Working & Teaching Digitally


Counseling & Information Exercise & Nutrition


Computer Bücherstapel

Stress & Relaxation

Around the Workplace

Further Training Offers


Schreibtisch FB qd


Family & Career

Occupational Safety and Health Protection